DreadPirateRoberts said: Alright, updated to Animegaming's post. We have three new members, so welcome Cerebral, coolharry and irstupid. 34 new games, bringing us to a total of 899. So the next piece of shovelware Talonman or Ganoncrotch reports will be title #900. Biggest mover was Crypt of the Necrodance (+8). Hollow Knight (+6) was one of many indies to also make significant moves. Biggest new title was Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (+6) followed by Cadence of Hyrule (+3), Crash Team Racing (+3), and Geki Yaba Runner (+3). A ton of movement among the top developers/publishers too:
You did add in the plus 1 to Ace Attorney I mentioned a while back, right? Love the game too much to see it not counted properly.
The Democratic Nintendo fan....is that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?