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The only things that would prompt me to buy a PS3 at this point are LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, Lair, FFXIII, RE5, and the blu-ray player. RE5 is coming to the 360 and might have a version on the Wii. FFXIII is up in the air right now. It could also come to 360 and maybe a version to the Wii. But neither are close to releasing at this point anyway. So that leaves Uncharted, Lair, LittleBigPlanet and Blu-ray. Well I have a 400 DVD collection so I don't think the next format is worth $500 extra dollars at this point. I already have a Wii and Smash Brothers is coming out. That will be a prime competitor to LittleBigPlanet, so there is my fix for that.

Uncharted and Lair worth the $500? $650 after I buy the games and tax too? Nah, I will be just fine with Dewy's Adventure, Metroid 3, Mario Galaxy, RE Umbrella Chronicles, Dragon Quest Swords, Smash Brothers, My Sims, DDR Hottest Party, Boogie, Zach and Wiki, etc.