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I think the majority of gamers consider a game bought digitally on most online stores to be a game they own. But these same gamers won't consider a game they bought on Stadia to be a game they own. And so Stadia runs the risk of suffering from the same PR disaster that the XB1 suffered from in 2012, with their online check-ins, and $10 used game tax. Except Stadia won't be able to back out, because having to always be online is something that is welded to the service. At best Stadia could allow you to download and install your games to hardware you already own, but that would make it just another PC storefront.

Also Captainexplosion and thismeinteil are correct in saying that mobile gamers aren't the type to drop $60 on a game. They don't like or play those types of games. They play cut the rope, candy crush, or some other tetris clone. 

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 30 June 2019