Normally after a console has been out for 5-6 years like the PS4 and XB1, the price is below $300. If a person is willing to pay $300 for one of these systems, then they likely already have one. This is the time period to try to see to late adopters who want a cheaper console.
Basically these consoles need a price cut. I'm not even particularly a fan of either one, but this type of business just seems crazy to me. I doubt they would be selling at a loss at $250-$200 and they already sell at this price during the holidays anyway. Basically their current model is to sell most of their hardware during the holiday season, because that is when these old consoles are actually at a decent price. Why not just go ahead and make the price cut permanent?
curl-6 bet me that PS5 + X|S sales would reach 56m before year end 2023 and he was right.
My Bet With curl-6
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Switch Will Be #1 All Time
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