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"I always mention this to Next Level Games when we start working on a new game. When we’re creating a new game, we always want to include some sort of new element. These moves were actually something we came up with when we were working on the Wii U version, and something that Next Level Games came up with. When they made a prototype and let us use Slam and Burst, it was just so satisfying when you played it. So, when we saw this, we said ‘Well, the game’s pretty much done.’ "

There were rumors about a L.M game on Wii U, weren't there at some point? Also I wonder if this might have some indication on the whereabouts on the infamous Pikmin 4. 

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?