leo-j said:
Yea I know it doesnt run at 60fps all the time, but the game doesnt drop below 30fps either. Heavenly sword is locked at 30fps, mgs4 runs significantly better than heavenly sword when it comes to fps. The game for the most part is between 30 and 60fps, and Id say it rarely drops under 40.
Maybe that's because Heavenly Sword is a fast-paced action game and MGSIV is a slow paced stealth shooter?
Obviously, low framerates will be less noticable on slow paced games because everything is moving slower. These figures don't surprise me at all. Nor do they matter, from all accounts the low framerate is barely noticable except in rare circumstances, so who cares what the number is.
Just stop pretending it's not true, and that your magic eyes can somehow tell better than software analysis.
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