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DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ, remember the good old times when I told you that you actually made progress and became a better poster? I still remember it like it was yesterday. Maybe because it was yesterday.

Anyway, you are screwing up big time here.


How am I screwing up?

Every single one of those posts was taken out of context, and two of the posts he picked weren't even talking about actual reviews of MGS4.

But like I said, I'm done.

Edit - I've stated on numerous occasions that GTA IV was definitely reviewed too high, and Halo 3. Two games that I play to this day. So there goes that theory.

You just proved Bod's point there... as you are saying those two games are reveiwed too highly... and those two games just happen to be games that would highly appeal to the male (25-30) demographic. 

Note: I used to speak Latin.  Took two years of it.  I suck at learning new languages though... so i forgot nealy all of it as soon as i stopped using it.  Which was like... immediatly.  Dead language and all.