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"Long story short, Enhanced Super Resolution Generative Adverserial Network, or ESRGAN, is an upscaling method that is capable of generating realistic textures during single image super-resolution. Basically it's a machine learning technique that uses a generative adverserial network to upres smaller images. By doing it over several passes, it will usually produce an image with more fidelity than methods such as SRCNN and SRGAN. In fact, ESRGAN is based off SRGAN. The difference between the two is that ESRGAN improves on SRGAN's network architecture, adversarial loss and perceptual loss."

Explained like you're a fifth grader: Neural networks operate by recreating data by passing and comparing information from node to node, based on a set of instructions. By processing the data multiple times following their specific method, with zero human interaction it seems to consistently process noticeably improved upscaled resolutions and graphics.

