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Mifely said:


My reply to your other post is, essentially the main body of the post you just replied to.


I can agree that the PS2 was a casual console as well, I guess. However, it was "casual" for a different reason -- some 70% of PS2 owners in a study, at one point, told NPD that they purchased the console primarily as a DVD player. Casual due to movie-playing ability, and casual gaming are really two different things. The Wii is the first casual gaming console, in my opinion. The PS2 was merely a living room appliance to a large portion of its owners -- I don't really think that qualifies.

You can see that the PS2's success didn't really spur amazing profits for Sony, too (from their annual profit margins) -- again probably due to the fact that one of its major reasons for success was apparently due to its utilily as a DVD player. Again, I think the Wii's success will spur greater profits/unit for Nintendo, because people bought it for casual gaming (which Nintendo makes licensing fees from), instead of DVD playing. And again, I don't think that the Wii and PS3/360 are really in the same ballpark, for the same reason.

Its my opinion. You don't need to agree with it, or argue me down. I'm always right anyway. ;)


The end result is that the Wii has never, and will never "defeat" the PS3 or X360. Its only a sideline competition. The PS3 and X360 are the only direct competitors in the current console lineup. The Wii is peerless, and thus, pretty much guaranteed success no matter how the other consoles fare.

Well most of my other post was  about you saying that the cpu of the ps2 was better than that of the gamcube, but you kind of did reply with your other post.

@The competition thing.        Hm I never thought of it like that, but you could say that for any other console after it started to outsell it's competition considerabely. For example you could say that for the ps1 when it outsold the N64 by nearly 4 times, or the ps2. Of course they can't compete with it now, but when every console had a chance they were all considered competing.