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Baalzamon said:
vivster said:

It's called punishing people for a crime. Willingly ruining a human's life is a crime. That's why we also "dictate" what humans are allowed to put in their body before getting into their car. Or how we "dictate" what small children have to put into their body to not get terrible diseases and infect others.

Allowing everything or nothing isn't the debate here. There obviously have to be rules that need to be enforced. It's called "society". That is, if laws make any sense and are meant to protect people, which the recently updated abortion laws are not.

Willingly ruining a human life...but the people saying abortion is ok are absolutely saying it isn't a human life. They are saying it's just this thing you can end. If causing them to be disabled is willingly ruining their life, then isn't killing them also doing that?

It's a matter of consent.  If a woman does not consent to a fetus using her body, she should be allowed to have it removed.  However, if she consents to allowing a baby to use her body, then she consents to being responsible for it.  And she should not do anything to intentionally harm it.  

That being said, there is currently no law (in most states) against a pregnant woman drinking or doing anything else that might harm a fetus.  

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 21 May 2019