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The Super Nintendo is the only console to be the most powerful of its generation and the best-selling of its generation. Every other generation the most powerful either prices itself out of the market or is too hard to develop for, or both.

For those arguing the Genesis was more powerful than the Super Nintendo, find me a multiplatform game with some screenshots or links to descriptions/comparisons of both. Because I remember Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam being waaaaaay better on the Super Nintendo. And as stated earlier, Genesis had nothing on Donkey Kong Country.

For those arguing PS2>GC, Resident Evil 4 is the game that shows each system's strengths and weaknesses. When ported from GC to PS2, the game went from 2 discs to 1 disc, highlighting the PS2's larger media format. However, this was at the cost of making the game look like total ass, because the PS2 was not as powerful as the GC.