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I didn't like episode 5 at all and I wasn't too keen on the finale. But the more I think on it and the entire series as a whole the more I'm changing my mind and thinking I quite like how it ended.

The only things that I really would change is Daenerys' questionable motivations for the last two episodes. If they changed it around and we could actually understand why she felt such an atrocity was necessary, then the tragic ending to her story would hit a lot harder. If she did something that was so terrible the others felt like they had to kill her, but her actions could be understood and not boil down to "Bitch be crazy."

Game of thrones was always at it's best when there were no outright villains, and everyone had their own complex motivations and there was no good or bad side. If they had manoeuvred the story in a way to make Daenerys not an outright antagonist, but given everyone a reason to think her death a necessity Jon killing her would have been a perfect ending.

If Daenerys did some unspeakable but justifiable act for the greater good, and Jon was forced to kill her for how terrible it was, that would have been perfect in my opinion.

Also make the Episode 5 battle a bit less one-sided so it didn't feel so anti-climatic and I think now I would have been very satisfied with how it ended