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Personally, I love AC. But it is a type of game not suited for everyone. Its in the same league as Harvest Moon and the Sims, you need to have that kind of taste in that type of game.

GoW is not a casual based simulator game. It is a button masher action flick, which I also enjoy. I just enjoy it differently than AC. I can spend years playing AC if I didnt feel like picking those damn weeds all through my town after 5 months and seeing most of my favorite neighbors leaving :( GoW I can only play in bursts, and after a playthrough, Im done with it.

Now in terms of what I think will be a bigger system seller- Animal Crossing easily. I think Nintendo will market AC Wii as the first MMO for the Wii, and will probably be marketed as such instead of just another sequel.

Brawl FC: 4382-1668-1880

Animal Crossing City Folk

FC: 2492-8227-9090           Town: McAwesom          Name: Gary

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