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Friday news, part two:

Frostpunk could become the setting for an RPG
Frostpunk just saw its one-year anniversary, and in that time it’s sold more than 1.4 million copies, far exceeding developer 11 bit Studio’s expectations. Now, the studio is thinking about what comes next for their game, which they’ve bolstered over the past 12 months with a steady stream of post-release content. While a sequel would certainly make sense, the studio has other ideas in mind, too—including a role-playing game set in the Frostpunk universe.

Beat Pillars of Eternity 2's new challenge and Obsidian will hang your name on its wall
The one year anniversary of Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire recently sailed past, and to mark the big birthday Obsidian released a big patch that takes the game to version 5.0. It includes a new, "more elegant" ship interface, fleshes out the story with additional voice acting, brings the turn-based combat mode out of beta, and makes the usual array of bug fixes and gameplay adjustments.

Blizzard details The Dalaran Heist, Hearthstone's new solo mode
Hearthstone's latest solo adventure will launch on May 16—that's next Thursday for the non-calendar owners among you—and promises to be the biggest and best yet. We can say that with confidence because our resident card slinger Tim Clark played it a few months back, and said as much. As of today, in addition to the release date of May 16 we can confirm that Rise of Shadows' adventire is called The Dalaran Heist. It's the first part of a story that will span the game's Year of the Dragon.

The next Kingdom Come: Deliverance DLC will let you play as a woman
The fourth and, apparently, final DLC release for the exceptionally good medieval RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance, A Woman's Lot, will be available on May 28. As the title suggests, the expansion will give players the opportunity to experience the poop-throwing majesty of Kingdom Come's game world as a woman: Theresa, a potential love interest for Henry in the main storyline, whose family was killed in the early stages of the game.

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor—Prophecy brings overhauled mechanics and a new class
The action-RPG Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor—Martyr was pretty okay: Really good when it's good, we said in our 2018 review, but not consistently good enough to be, you know, good. But that's not stopping developer NeocoreGames from taking another run at it with the newly announced Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor—Prophecy.

Jupiter Hell is a tasty turn-based blend of Doom, roguelikes, and heavy metal
I'm playing Jupiter Hell, and once again my health is critically low. I've just taken down my second tough security bot in as many minutes and I have no stimpacks or health kits remaining. To make matters worse, I'm low on ammo for my assault rifle.

Monster Hunter: World Iceborne trailer shows off new monsters and a September release date
Strange things are afoot in the new world. For example: Singing, apparently. During Sony's State of Play livestream today, Capcom showed off a new trailer for Monster Hunter: World's Iceborne expansion, featuring all the components you'd expect. There's ice. There's monsters. There's weapons being liberally applied to those monsters. I'm not sure what more you could be looking for, really.

Destiny 2's Season of Opulence arrives June 4, and the raid will be available on day one
Destiny 2's Season of Opulence, the third and final DLC of the Annual Pass, now has an arrival date: June 4. And there's an unusual twist this time. Typically, when new Destiny 2 DLC drops, the raid only becomes available a few days later, on a Friday. This time the new raid, called Crown of Sorrow, will be available to Annual Pass owners immediately that same Tuesday.

Monster Prom 2, a game about competitive monster dating, has easily blitzed its Kickstarter goal
Released early last year, Monster Prom was a multiplayer dating sim about hooking up with monsters.(...)
Now the same studio, Beautiful Glitch, has announced Monster Prom 2 via a Kickstarter campaign. The sequel is pretty much guaranteed at this stage: the campaign has attracted $154,212 at time of writing, with a goal of just $36,000. But aside from the name, Monster Prom 2 is a bit of a departure from the original, because it's actually three games in one.

Some players aren’t buying Fallout 76’s vendor tax
Fallout 76 recently introduced a new system that lets players run automated shops in their camps. You plunk down a vending machine in your settlement, fill it up with all the stuff you don’t want or can’t use, and other players can wander by and pay caps for anything that catches their hideously mutated eye.
The trouble is, there’s a ten percent fee on every sale made from player-run shops, and as our pals over at GamesRadar have discovered, that’s rubbing some Fallout 76 players the wrong way.

Titan Quest, first released in 2006, has a new expansion set in Atlantis
Titan Quest is nearly 13 years old, but it just got a new expansion this week. Atlantis, the third DLC add-on for 2006’s action RPG, invites players to explore another mysterious mythological realm, this one beneath the ocean and beyond the bounds of reality as we know it.

McMillen: The Legend of Bum-bo and final Isaac DLC are both coming this year
Binding of Isaac creator Edmund McMillen says his next game, the turn-based, cardboard-themed dungeon crawler The Legend of Bum-bo, will be out this year, along with the final DLC for The Binding of Isaac itself.

Finally, let's check the GOG and Steam deals for this weekend:



That's all folks! Have a happy and gaming weekend.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.