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The only valid point is that PC gaming is much more expensive than console gaming if you don't have the capability or desire to build your own PC.

If you have to buy a retail gaming PC, you will get reamed badly and that's the only time when PC is really more expensive. Most serious PC gamers will know how to build their own PC but there will be a lot who won't. Thats why high tech PC gaming is the hardest of the hardcore.

The mainstream market for PC gaming will experience very high costs if they want to keep up on PC tech.

And upgrading your computer is not always required because all computers scale up or down for your specs. So while consoles start with good graphics and get better over time, without upgrades, PCs start with great graphics and stay relatively flat afterwards. Depending on where you start out, you'll likely still end up with better graphics at the end with the PC than the console.