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RolStoppable said:
The Jaguar was definitely less powerful than the PS1. Just look at first party games like Club Drive and compare it to the PS1 launch title Ridge Racer.


"Although it was promoted as the first 64-bit gaming system, the Jaguar proved to be a commercial failure and prompted Atari to leave the home video game console market." - Wikipedia

Yes I know Wikipedia is not the best source but it is true. Atari launched the very first 64-bit console. Even before Nintendo's N64 Atari had a 64-bit platform on the market. Of course much like developers tend to do with platforms they port and use out dated graphics engines etc...etc...

The new hardware was extremely difficult to develope for and developers were pretty much on their own. Sounds familiar doesn't it. The Atari Jaguar only sold 500,000 units in the end, it was killed off fairly quickly by Sony/Sega and died right as Nintendo entered the fray.

At the time (1993/94) the only competition was 16-bit and 32-bit. Atari got support from 3rd parties and internally but never actually pushed its hardware to the max. When PlayStation/Saturn and Nintendo 64 hit the shelves it was all over for the Jaguar.

But in the end spec's wise the Jaguar was superior to the PlayStation!


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