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In recent months, I've been playing the shit out of Minecraft again, and catching myself playing to very late, with what free time I've got (Over 100 hours I think since the year started). Playing on my Xbox version on a world that is 4 years old, hopping on my long time PC version for multiplayer and catching up with old friends, and using the Switch Edition during work breaks.

I've watched videos as well that are "Minecraft Tributes" and "Minecraft Nostalgia", reading all the comments, and there are thousands out there with similar stories. A lot of my friends are also occasionally playing the game and enjoying their own survival worlds. It really seems this game has made a comeback for the older players as the younger ones move like a flock of sheep to play these battle royale games.

Here is some nostalgia:



(ASMR Nostalgia)

(Time video)

Started in October of 2010, and here I am in 2019, chasing the happiness of old times.