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DMeisterJ said:
Kasz216 said:
DMeisterJ said:

Eight points between scores is a lot.

Nothing to be scoffed at.

I'm not saying AC is bad, but GoW is (critically) a better game.


8 points at is deepest is a big difference? That's less then 1 point on a 10 point scale.

Also it's fairly obvious why GoW would get a bit of a "bump" among videogame "critics."

Humor me.

Why so?

Also, Eight points is a big thing. Is a game that has a metacritic of 80 the same as a game with a metacritic of 72? With our broken review scale, anything below 80 is generally a pass.

Cause most videogame critics are infact just people that like videogames a lot. Unlike movie critics or any other type of critic that is brought up with an appreciation of the form in of itself. Very very few people enjoy videogaming as a whole... and instead just like some genres of games. They aren't trained to know what makes a good game in a genre they don't like. Which makes cross comparisons scores of different genres VERY loose.

Also as such they are going to be more biased towards games they enjoy playing... and genres they enjoy playing. I doubt many videogame critics are going to be playing Animal Crossing in their off time compared to GoW. Not because one is a better game, but because one is in a gerne that most critics don't enjoy.

Much how genres like Strategy RPGs never seem to get a fair shake.