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Broncos724 said:

I doubt McCain actually believes in all the global warming fear-mongering, rather it's the simple fact of saying things that will make him look good in the eyes of the voters.

No... he really does. He's actually better on the issue then Obama is.

Obama seems to be in the ethanol lobby's pocket... which at best is only slightly better then regular gas, and is more then likely actually worse then regular gas. Usually ethanol consumes more resources in it's making then it saves vs regular gasoline. Not to mention it's poor gas that lowers your gas mileage.

While McCain wants to get rid of the Ethanol lobby and focus on real change. It will also lower the price of food all over the place since 30% of the corn we grow in this country goes to ethanol... and corn is in everything. Even steak and chicken. (by way of feed.)