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sundin13 said:
Nautilus said:

@AngryLittleAlchemist Sorry man, your posts simply dont show up when I click reply.Gonna have to tag you from now on.

Im sorry if the word Im using is strong but its no buzzword when its being applied correctly.When they do the surgery, they are doing something that is irreversible.If thats not mutilation, I dont know what it is.And dont get me wrong:While this word is usually associated with horrible acts, in this case its something good, assuming the person REALLY wants to do that.But its still a mutilation.Which is precisely why its a very important decision.And this applies to boys and girls mind you.When you cut a penis to make a vagina, or a vagina to make a penis, its irreversible as far as I know.If Im wrong, please correct me on this.

And Im going to be mean now, and I dont mean to be mean, but this ''rule'' isnt meant to be fair for everyone.Its meant to be fair for most.You say that the longer we wait to perform the surgery, the worse is the damage to the person.Ok.I dont really disagree with this.But what of the ones that do end up regreting, that decided to do the surgery at lets say 10 years old, but by 14 they regret doing the gender swap?What about the damages that have been done to that person?You might say ''But they will be sure that they want that''.But how sure a child can be of that?If even we, as an adult, can be lost on what we want for our lives?

The idea of implementing a minimum age to do that, wether its 18, or 25 or even 16(I can see 16 also being fair) is to minimize the chance of that person being wrong on what he/she wants.How can you be against that?Do we really think that a child at age 3 saying ''Im a girl'' really understand what he is saying, or even means?Or if, at that point, its more the parents will rather than the childs?There are so many ifs that a simple rule of '' cant do that until you are 18'' could fix.Again, some people will be left out.And suffer too, sure.But the world isnt fair or perfect, and thats the best we can do without reading the childs mind and seeing the future.

And dont get too hang up on the driving example.Its just an example.It was just to show that you dont go giving cars to 8 year old children just because they say they can drive.And even if they can, its a minority.But that minority would open a whole can of worms on the sense that other children, the ones that are not capable of driving, wants to drive and causes acidents.You get the drill.

Regarding the murder example: and yet, there are laws that only allow children to be trialed as an adult after a certain age, and exceptions, yeah EXCEPTIONS, are made for henious crimes, when said children are discovered to be sociopaths or something like that.They are not the rule.

And yeah, I think 18 is the ideal age, but I wouldnt be against it being 16 or 21 for example.

I feel like you guys are kind of arguing different things. People aren't having sexual reassignment surgery at 10. People aren't even usually taking puberty blockers at ten. When someone is transitioning, there are several steps that are taken:

1) Social transitioning: Basically just being treated as and expressing yourself as the gender you identify with. This obviously is not irreversible in any way and this is the only transitioning you see on kids under ten(ish).
2) Puberty blockers: Assuming someone has not gone through puberty already, the individual will often begin taking puberty blockers to prevent or delay the onset of secondary sex characteristics. This is generally considered to be reversible in the sense that when you come off the puberty blockers, it is expected that those sex characteristics will form in the absence of other treatment.
3) Hormone therapy: This allows the development of characteristics of characteristics matching the gender an individual identifies with. This is permanent in the sense that something like surgical intervention would be required in order to reverse something (ex removing/adding breast tissue). From what I can tell, under current guidelines, this cannot be done to anyone under 16.
4) Sexual reassignment surgery: This seems to be what you are talking about where an individual's genitals are changed by a surgical procedure. This is not a reversible process (however I suppose you could possible get the surgery again but I highly doubt that would be advisable). This step is also not always taken by the individual transitioning. From what I can tell, under current guidelines, this cannot be done to anyone under 18.

You seem to largely be arguing against something that doesn't happen, which is fine, but I don't think anyone in this thread is actually arguing in favor of sexual reassignment at ten years old.

Assuming steps 1 through 3 arent irreversible and that dosent inflict damage to the body if they stop taking it(like the blockers) then Im kind of fine with this.I just assumed that the articles were trying to imply that the surgery should be done as soon as possible.

Having said that, I dont think this should be encouraged like its something normal.I mean, in the sense that parents and doctors jump to this series of procedure, just because the child says he/she wants,without extensive research on the child first(therapists and all that talking with the child to know if they really want that)

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.