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Crazyglues said: Motorstorm is a Good Game for now... but it's really is not a system seller, I mean there really are no games out right now so Motorstorm selling well does not surprise me. I mean even though I saw the Gametrailers review and they gave the game a 7.9 if I remember correctly. And with a score like that I would never buy that game. And that's not a great score, but since there is nothing else out, I'll be picking up a copy tomorrow because by the time I got to the store the best buy guy said they sold out. He did say they really didn't have that much but they would get some more tonight that will be avaible for sale tomorrow so I'll be there as soon as they open. So I really believe the game is selling because people are starving for games right now, and it's all that's out. It's the only reason i'm buying it. Demo was ok, but looked more pretty then it was to actually play. All in all I don't think it will be that bad. So it's worth checking out at the very least. Can't wait for tomorrow, maybe i'll come back and give you my full review.
Yes it got a 7.9 but thats only because of the lack of content. They were dissapointed in no multiplayer, not a lot of tracks, and not a lot of viechles. If there was more of that the game would have easily got a 9.0 out of 10. Just remember this, there will be more tracks on downloadable content.
