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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Pyro as Bill said:
England has a 2 million majority in favour of leave. The Brits might end up staying in the EU but it's only a matter of time before England leaves.

An EU without England is a joke.

It's England, not the UK or Europe that has directed history and humanity for the past 300-1000 years.

 Since then, they've just been following, not directing anymore.

Following who? The US? They're our babies. The current US has more in common with England than the UK. We're the only 2 countries in the world who understand free speech and free trade. Once we've removed our British overlords, the US can finally get some quality competition.

Also, 2 Million majority? Not even during the referendum was the majority so big. But yeah, if the MPs and newspapers continue to blame everything bad on the EU and grab all the credit for themselves when the EU does something good, then of course the UK will leave some day.

England, not yookay remember?

But seriously, at this point, what's floating in most people's minds if you leave is more in the line of "good riddance, you ingrates! The EU is much better off without you naysayers" or something like that.

Feeling's mutual. Unfortunately we have a PM who thinks the EU is important to our national security (ironic, i know) and we have to have a close relationship.

JRPGfan said:
Pyro as Bill said:
England has a 2 million majority in favour of leave. The Brits might end up staying in the EU but it's only a matter of time before England leaves.

An EU without England is a joke.

It's England, not the UK or Europe that has directed history and humanity for the past 300-1000 years.

Time to stop liveing in the past.
Ive said it before the UK isnt "the empire on which the sun never sets" anymore.

And its importance on the world scene will only drop futher, once it leaves the EU.

England not UK. 'Little Englanders'/English liberals never wanted an empire. They didn't want war with the American colonies either. They knew that free trade would be mutually beneficial as opposed to war which hurts everyone except those making money from it.

So you assume that people that voted remain didn't vote to help the poorest in our society?

How is leaving the EU going to help the poorest in our society?

Free Trade makes everyone richer except protectionists. See the Corn Laws and Imperial Preference (ie the last 2 times the 'Tory' party split) for more details. Remainiacs (excluding idealistic students) have no problem seeing wages fall for the low and no skilled so long as their house price keeps increasing.

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