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z101 said:

The RROD is not the past. A friend of mine has already their fifth Xbox, another has just bought the box and is it already dead. MS is clever at marketing and knows how to hold the xbox-desaster at a minimum in the press. but it is as bad as ever!


Yeah, it's always "my friend" or "my brother" had 20 RRoDs, and they were all Falcons!!!

I'm not denying that the RRoD exists.  It most certainly does and there's no excuse for it.  MS should have done more QC on their machine before releasing it to the public.  But the RRoD is also WAY exaggerated on internet forums and comments boards, mostly in the interest of the PS3 winning this imaginary "console war". 

I have 4 friends with Xbox 360s.  If you include myself, there are 5.  All of us have Falcon models because we all waited until the Falcon models came out to buy our 360s.  Not one Falcon model of the 5 people I know including myself has had an RRoD.  Now if I'm supposed to just take your anecdotal evidence as fact, then you have to take mine too.  The Falcon redesign, while not completely solving the RRoD, has greatly reduced it.  The next revision this summer will probably completely eliminate it. 

And let me bring you ALL back down to earth a little bit on the RRoD.  Tech dorks and gaming junkies like us know all about the RRoD.  The rest of the gaming population (the non-hardcore gamers whose parents buy them their systems and whose numbers make up most of the gaming population) seem to not care about the RRoD or even know anything about it for that matter.  The 360 has withstood all the problems because it's an awesome system with awesome online service and awesome games.  That's it and that's all.

By the way, I was a hardcore PC gamer before I got my 360 and I hated all things console.  No longer.  I love my 360 and haven't touched my gaming tower in 6 months.