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The direction that I foresee Microsoft going following the release of the PSN firmware announcement and distribution.  I touch on their investments and why I feel they are focusing on the Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming space. 

For me the one thing that sets the consoles apart is Multiplayer.  Formally a sole PC gamer, I have never really cared for single player experiences.  Occasionally, you can catch me playing an RPG or Action game but I prefer to play multiplayer games.

With the coming of the new PS Firmware I expect to see Sony take a leap from Single player heavy gaming into a more intuitive and complete multiplayer package. (Note: This will happen over a series of tweaks and updates after the software is launched)  However, I also see Microsoft taking some big steps moving forward to counter their main competitor’s actions.   

What I foresee is Microsoft unveiling and focusing on MMO games.  If you haven’t noticed, the 360 has a plethora of MMO games heading its way late this year and again next year.  With titles such as Age of Conan (Funcom), All Points Bulletin (Real Time Worlds), Champions Online (Cryptic Studios), Huxley (Webzen) and many others, this appears to be the direction that MS is heading.  Another factor I believe will be XBL Gold members not having to pay any additional subscription fee other then there XBL membership.

Also of note are the corporate investments that Microsoft has made into the online gaming space.



1.1 - A system for generating a spectator experience in real time from a game or event, such as highlights, instant replays, and unique views of the action within a game to enhance the experience for spectators rather than players. Using viewing controls, a spectator can control one or more virtual cameras to select desired viewpoints or an automated camera control to frame the action and perform specific cuts to best convey the story and action.  

1.2 - A portal such as a Web site to access spectator-related services such as schedules and information on multiple games and events as well as the number of spectators and participants in each. The portal allows the spectator to find the most popular games to watch, preview the action, and then connect to the desired game or event.

Note the above (1.1 and 1.2) is patented by Microsoft.

IMO, MMO games tend to be played for years without losing any steam.  Take World of Warcraft for example and its ever growing user base.  I fully expect the 360 to be the next platform for MMO games and see it being a key point in its success moving forward.  I don’t think anyone can refute Sony’s upcoming library as I fully expect games like Killzone 2, FF13 and God of War 3 to be amazing, however, I feel Microsoft will expand their target market and leverage their technical infrastructure to further innovate the online gaming space. 

When MS stated that the 360 has the hardcore market I believe this is what they meant.  Hardcore gamers will pay a small fee to play games against a community of others as long as the service is fully encompassed.  Going forward I expect to see some large developments in online gaming for the 360 and can imagine how enormous the experience could be.

As previously stated, I care much more for Multiplayer gaming and as such, I am hoping to hear more news of MMO’s at this year’s E3.
