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I feel that the setting they chose for this game is rather limited. I don't care how "cool" the Inquisitors look, they're all garbage-tier compared to Vader and the Emperor and your character obviously can't do anything against either of them due to the canon of the movies. So that means that you won't get to fight any Sith Lords who can rival a trained Jedi.

Also, I don't think you'll be able to accomplish anything of any real impact to the galaxy during the Galactic Empire rule unless they introduce some BS retcon like the protagonist of this game delivering the plans of the Death Star or protecting Luke somehow or some other contrived way of fitting the character to the canon and that would feel really dumb.

I think a more interesting idea would've been to play as Vader just learning how to fight in the armor. In lore he wasn't a badass from the get-go and almost got himself killed several times cause he wasn't comfortable with the armor. Starting up weak and hunting more and more Jedi exiles would've been cool as hell.