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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Pyro as Bill said:

So, the same as every poll (telephone) in the week leading up to the referendum then? The 'poll of polls' never once had Leave winning even when adjusted for those likely to vote.

The most recent poll I saw had it 55-45 in favour of Remain. That's the same as the Populus poll done the day before the referendum.

As long as our treasonous politicians don't remove the World Trade Brexit option from the next referendum, Leave will win again.

You need to re-order the results based on whether they were telephone or online. Online was closest to the actual result but their methodology was shit.

Remain might be the most popular answer but like with the original ref, you have to take into account those who are likely to actually vote and for the next ref, those who would prefer to see a democratic result enacted regardless of what their personal preference is. Unlike remainers, many leavers voted to help the poorest in our own society instead of looking after their own immediate interest. We're playing the long game.

Remainocrats will make the Leave win even bigger. Foreigners understand less than we do the powers at play.

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