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people will still deny that human activity has a HUGE impact on the planet.

Bullshit until know the impact is at best superficial. Some glaciers have melted, there is one or two additional hurricane in the atlantic and one or two less taiphuns in the Pacific, we had some warm summers (but will probably have a colder decade ahead, thats the difference between weather(short to middleterm) and climate(longterm)). Some ice fields in the west antarctic are smaller, some ice fields in the east antarctic are thicker.

To summarize: Climate change is a serious problem and will (most likely) have serious implications for our lives in 30, 40, 50 and really significant 80-100 years. But scientists should say that and not succumb to sensationalism to get the world to do something.
It only needs one or two colder years and people will not believe them anymore. Cry wolf you know. Besides that its insulting to human intelligence.

In the end all the climate warners, greenpeace activists and Al Gores of the world won't have 1/10000th of the effect of the rising oil price in CO2 reduction. That has indeed the potential to help research into alternative energy and mitigate climate change.