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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

RolStoppable said:
SpokenTruth said:
The American left would like to thank the UK for showing the world that our country is not the only laughing stock since 2016.

We both bought into something so fundamentally stupid that we'll be paying for it for years, if not decades.

My favorite part about the Brexit is the stance that it would be anti-democratic to let the people of the UK vote again three years later.

Meanwhile, it's the norm in democracies that the people get to vote for new governments every 4-6 years depending on the country. But for the Brexit it's apparently a betrayal of democratic principles to ask the people if their opinions have changed since three years ago.

In addition to a 2nd referendum taking into account changed opinions, I think it's also important as it allows us to weigh up remain against an actual, tangible deal.

The first referendum was a flawed in my opinion as it gave the option of 1 remain option against the entire spectrum of Brexit options, and we now know that people's ideas of what Brexit should actually be vary widely.

It's almost like getting a room of people to vote for what carry-out they want, with the question being structured as - 'ok guys, who wants Thai & who doesn't want Thai? If Thai loses then we'll vote on what non-Thai option we want' Thai gets 48% and loses, but when it's time to decide on what actual cuisine people want they can't agree and Chinese / Italian / Indian all fail to pull more than the 48% Thai lost by...

But it's all political manoeuvring now - I don't think any decision-makers actually care what's fair anymore - it's a race to the bottom...

I'm Scottish so I fear if Brexit does indeed go ahead it'll all but guarantee an independent Scotland (if Westminster approves another ref). The concern I have with this is the same one I have with leaving the EU - it'll make trade with our biggest market more difficult... Scotland exports most of it's good to the rest of the UK, just as the UK exports most of it's good to the EU...

It's all a complete cluster-fuck... And to think, that as a Scot, I may be looking at 1 or possibly 2 more referendums... I'm exhausted just thinking about it!