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I doubt McCain actually believes in all the global warming fear-mongering, rather it's the simple fact of saying things that will make him look good in the eyes of the voters.  And to whoever started this thread, I think the joke's on you for believing this 'scientist.'

Yes, global warming does exist, but so too does global cooling.  The Earth's temperature is cyclical in nature, it goes up and goes down.  Right now in time, it could simply be going up.  It is also possible that humans are the cause.  The point is, no research has proven conclusive either way, and in particular there is NOTHING at this point that points to man's increase in CO2 output as the sole reason why the Earth is warming.  At most we have 200 years' worth of temperature records, and this amount of data is essentially useless when compared to the millions (if not billions) of years the Earth has existed for.  Therefore we have nothing to relate the recent data to.

Personally, my guess is that humans couldn't alter the Earth's climate significantly even if we wanted to.  Obviously our increase in CO2 output does have some effect, but it is just too tiny to even be measurable.  Also, if there are 4.5 BILLION people breathing CO2 constantly out of their bodies, then that amount of CO2 has to dwarf the amounts put out from industry.  So I really don't buy that argument.  The whole global warming scare is blown out of proportion, but that is exactly what liberals like to do.  With the help of the media they try (sometimes successfully) to tell people how bad something is, and how bad their life is or how bad their life could become, and they blame conservatives for not doing enough about it.  By essentially fabricating and exaggerating problems with the country, they make it so there are constantly 'problems' to solve, and that's basically how they continue to be put into office.  There is a reason why most smart and intelligent upper-class people are conservative, but this is all just my opinion. :)