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Friday news, part two:

Nordic thriller Draugen is out in May
After watching Draugen's new story trailer—check it out above—I'm champing at the bit to explore a quiet Norwegian fjord that, obviously, hides a menacing secret. Oh no! Protagonist and unreliable narrator Edward has taken a trip to the fjord to hunt down his missing sister, bringing along his chatty ward, Lissie to lend a hand. It's a lovely location, but we're clearly in for a grim mystery.

Lair of the Clockwork God is a genre-switching adventure game
Ben There, Dan That and its sequel Time Gentleman, Please! are excellent point-and-click romps with good gags, squabbling protagonists and, yes, quite a few puzzles. It's been a long time since Size Five Games' titular reluctant adventurers have left the comfort of their sofa, but they've finally found themselves embroiled in another fiasco in Lair of the Clockwork God, an adventure game that is also, equally but kind of separately, a platformer.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Alliance War exclusive card reveal
Alliance War is the next expansion coming to Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls: Legends CCG, adding more than 100 new cards inspired by the war that never ends in The Elder Scrolls Online MMO. Players will fight alongside one of five factions—the Aldmeri Dominion, Ebonheart Pact, and Daggerfall Covenant from TESO, plus the new Guildsworn and Empire of Cyrodiil—each with its own three-color attribute combination and unique mechanic. One of them, the Guildsworn's "Expertise," is a potential game-changer, and we've got the exclusive reveal of one of the new cards that takes advantage of that powerful new ability.

Total War: Warhammer 2 DLC trailer recreates a classic scene from Predator
Remember the scene in the classic '80s action flick Predator where Blain gets eviscerated and the rest of the team blows up seven percent of the Amazon rain forest for payback? If you do, then you will very likely get a kick out of the trailer for The Prophet and The Warlock, a new DLC release for Total War: Warhammer 2 that's set to come out on April 17.

BioWare boss Casey Hudson says the studio's problems 'are real'
Earlier this week, Kotaku ran a report on the troubled development of Anthem, which alleged serious problems at developer BioWare including aimless management, internecine rivalries, and increasingly common incidents of "stress leave" among employees. BioWare issued a hasty public response to the report, but it was so evasive and dismissive that it only served to cast the studio in an even worse light.

Breach developer QC Games closes its doors
Breach is an ambitious co-op dungeon crawler with echoes of Shadowrun, The Secret World, and Devil May Cry, released in January by a team of former BioWare and EA developers calling itself QC Games. It sounded promising, but met with mixed results when it entered Early Access on Steam in January, and its peak player count of roughly 1200 quickly cratered after release.

Super Meat Boy Forever will miss its April launch window
Super Meat Boy Forever was meant to launch exclusively on the Epic Games Store this month. But in a statement issued on Twitter, Team Meat announced it'll be pushing the game until "after but not too far after April 2019". And it's for a pretty good reason: the studio wants to avoid punishing eleventh hour crunch.

Let's check now the weekend deals from GOG and Steam:



Nothing else to say, except wishing you a happy and gaming weekend.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.