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Natural changes in temperature, sea levels are natural climate changes that humans are not responsible for.
The sun naturally goes through heating and cooling phases that has a direct impact upon climate change.
There have been 2 Ice Ages during the last 25,000 years and the last one was 15,000 years ago.
Humans have not been responsible for the Ice Ages nor will we be responsible for the next Ice Age.
Climate change science is not clear cut, the claims about the world's temperature heating over the last 100 years are inaccurate and are based on incomplete data.
The graphs and modelling have been doctored by propagandists to support the climate change contributes to global warming rhetoric.
Humans have minimal effect upon climate change, and humans contribute minimally towards carbon emissions.
Carbon emissions have minimal effect upon climate change, carbon dioxide is harmless and it is used by plants/trees and converted into oxygen through photosynthesis.