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Not a lot of people talk about it around me (Tochigi prefecture here), more focused on work honestly.

I don't like this name, it's another boring and generic "something Peace" one like at least the 2 previous ones, absolutely no interest. They could have found something a bit more original...

Anyway, Japanese eras are just an annoying relic that I hope will disappear slowly. It's a pain in the ass to have to check "2019 or 31" everytime you have to write the date on a document (and even worse when you have to write about past events). I moved last month, it was ridiculous to change the date format on each of the 30 documents I signed in the month, or to have to look which Showa year my parents were born.

This new change might push people to use the international calendar more. Who wants to buy new calendars or modify documents to write "Reiwa 1" instead of "Heisei 31", when you can just keep using 2019... Thankfully my company uses 2019 anyway.