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I love PC gaming, absolutely love it, so my statement is not that of a console FanBoy. I do love console gaming and think it appeals to the casual market. I have 3 computers. A desktop PC, a MAC Laptop and a XPS Gaming Laptop. I cant wait for StarCraft 2, but thats an entirely different discussion.

But PC FanBoys, when using the Console to PC cost comparison you always use the XBox 360 and in comparison with the cost of live it (could) be more expensive. However, many of my friends have arcades and dont use live so factor that out in some of costs next time. If you were to do a cost comparison for the PS3, which I NEVER see, the PS3 is a cheaper gaming system period. Try to factor in a Blu-Ray player and free on line and the PS3 comes out on top every single time. A Blu-Ray player disk drive on a PC or Laptop is still retarded when it comes to price. So....yes PS3 is a cheaper gaming rig in comparison to a PC, I hate to admit it sometimes, but it is...period. Dont torch me, but it is the truth.