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Of the really big ones I'd have to go with Mario Kart... Mario Kart Wii is atroscius, one of the least saddisfying games I have ever played... no fun at all, you win more based on luck rather than skill, the computer cheats tremendusly and the power ups are completely umbalendced, the only way they can save it is if they go to the old style, because the courses are good and the driving feels right... but the weapons just kills it off... Just keep, bananas, green and red shells (though they should make the red ones avoidable in some way), mushrooms, and bombs... maybe the star because it isn't game breaking... and what they should do is that the last drivers have MORE chance of getting the good weapons... in the sense that even the guy in first place should have a chance to get a star or a a golden mushroom... just less of a chance... But knowing nintendo they will never do so... and they will never kill Mario Kart since it sells so well