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Sure, let's ignore the rest of what Joe was saying, about Epic being greedy themselves, or making their (in Joe's words) platform BETTER!. I find it incredibly asinine how this little childish tirade, is putting focus on one storefront, and not anyone else, not the greedy as fuck company that's got a Chinese one (two members on their board btw), not the company that's been voted worst 3 times in a row, not the company that's been citing PC gamers as pirates for years and shoves on 4 layers of DRM, or the company that's known for years to release buggy games.

We're also forgetting the consoles 30% cut, which we shouldn't be excusing, because if we're going to excuse Epic, EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, GoG, MS, Sony and Nintendo, then we're going to excuse Valve, because it becomes a moot point when you're vying for "change" but you only want one party to change, and the rest to stay complacent.

Joe even said he doesn't like the idea of a console style war on PC. Hardly anyone wants a console style war on PC, it brings bad, and anti-consumer practices with it. WHen you're trying to sell a plastic $500 box, then yeah that's what you do, but not on an open platform, where you're literally promising customers one thing, then taking it away from them the next, and saying it's "healthy" to do that each and every time, telling them "suck it and buy it from my place you scrub", because you know that shit doesn't fly properly in other industries, not without pissing others off and alienating them. The devs that have already taken Epic's cash have willingly decided to alienate me and they clearly don't give two shits, so give me an objective, non biased, non up your own arse example, of why I should bend over backwards to support them, when they won't support me?.

No one wants console wars on PC, those that do would rather see the platform fucked over for their own petty gains. I don't want my consumer rights and general choices being fucked over, because a few goits think it's "better" for me. I'd rather deck them to the curb to have them tell me how to buy my games. You don't tell me how to buy my games, and you don't tell me where to buy them from.

I hope Valve do what they do and continue working on their VR games, while releasing their storefront revamp, and don't give into Epic's petty shit. Last thing we need is Valve buying up games exclusively, like some shitty, anti-consumer console war.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"