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I'm still hoping to pick up a 360 soon - hopefully this year. It has plenty of games that appeal to me (non-shooters), and I'd love to play Mass Effect, Banjo, Tales, Star Ocean & a few others.

What is stopping me?

a) Price here (Aust) hasn't really come down at all - even with our excessively high dollar. It should be $100AU cheaper at least (still almost $350-$400 for the arcade bundle).

b) Pretty sure MS is not that far away from announcing a newer (smaller?) model, which will definitely be more reliable. I think its about time for the first 360 slim.

c) This Xmas will have some excellent 360 deals - so waiting till around then

d) Way too many games on the Wii, which I am struggling to play as it is. And a little game (some of you may have heard of) called "Brawl" hits this week :P. Unfortunately the Wii game flood doesn't look like slowing down anytime - this is probably the biggest reason why my 360 will have to wait.

Gesta Non Verba

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