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I play XB One far more than my Switch, at least lately (probably like a 70% - 30% split in favor of XB) - though the vast majority of that is Overwatch online. It's too damn addictive lol. But now that I've discovered Rocket League and Apex within the same week, I've REALLY been binging XBL. Still have Red Dead 2 unplayed and like half of Far Cry 5. 

One thing Switch has going for it though is the convenience of the handheld functionality, like I'll usually play it when I want to kick back on the couch and watch TV in the background, plus it's usually a go-to for local multiplayer with friends and family. So it definitely serves its own function, much like I use XB for my online gaming console. I also am realizing it's my prefered console for indies. Like I try to get review codes for indies on Switch games when given the option between my PC, XB, and Switch.

But it's difficult for me to binge Switch as much because I usually find online gaming the most addictive rather than single player for the most part. So when I play Switch, it's more shorter sessions, whereas I can park my lazy ass in front of the XB One all freakin night ha and just play Overwatch, Apex, and maybe a little Forza Horizon 4..

I kinda burnt myself out on Smash Bros this past month. But my Switch still aint getting left out. Lately I've been playing Tetris 99 pretty frequently. Been running through Diablo 3 on and off too. 

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 11 March 2019


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden