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Honestly, who cares? We've all played Bayonetta 2, where in one scene they showed everything but there was no nipples or asshole or vagina. That wasn't titillating in the slightest to have your character looking like a plastic manikin.

Don't get me wrong, I would definitely choose to play this game uncensored. Especially because these models are actually pretty ...... high quality.

But I doubt Sony is censoring Capcom especially because other platforms have this censorship. Capcom is too big for Sony to pressure or even for them to want to attempt it. (Right now, I could absolutely see it happening in the future though if Sony gets more and more confident in their ability to censor)

Although honestly, we *should* care but just from the perspective that a company engaging in self-censorship is bad for consumers and creators long term. WE ARE MEN, CAPCOM! MENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! UNCENSOR THIS NOW HEATHENS!

Last edited by AngryLittleAlchemist - on 10 March 2019