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BraLoD said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

But not only that, from Neogaf:

Lady's ass has a lens flare (can be disabled with mods)

Trish's ass has no lens flare

Lady's ass has a lens flare 

Trish's ass has no lens flare

Lady's ass has a lens flare

Trish's ass has a lens flare

Conclude: PS4 ver have more censor than other vers, wonder why?

Ask Capcom, or ESRB.

If Sony was the one enforcing censorship it would not be present on any other platforms aside from the PS4.

One have to REALLY be going straw picking to believe this came from Sony.

Well. not sure, but let assume Sony enforcing censorship on "Trish's ass" since "Lady's ass" was already censored. It can be possible, right? But yeah, i will wait and see, people on other sites are already killing each other because of this news