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Hiku said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

We don't know about that, this remind me of Warriors Orochi 4. Some Sony people called it a bug but someone in this thread says that he gets jiggle cause his rig only runs the game at 30-45fps, but also gets jiggle on the menu screen which runs at 60 fps. It’s not a frame rate bug.

Is your "We don't know about that" in response to the bolded part?
We do know that this happens on Xbox and PC. There's plenty of footage of it online.

Here's maximilian_dood playing the Xbox One X version:

Xbox buttons:

And your example is quite different from this situation, because there's a inexplicable inconsistency here. There's seemingly no reason to only censor one scene and not the other.
But let's not bring another game into this particular thread, because as you can see misconceptions can spread into misinformation very quickly (you posted this in two separate threads, and another person made a topic about it). And I prefer to keep this thread about reviews and impressions of the game.

It's better if you continue discussing this issue in this topic:

OK, see you there