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wii will outsell ps360 in Q4 2008 or Q1 2009. wii has pretty unlimited userbase since we get games for new gamers(casuals) and core gamers who likes every kind of game(from jrpgs to fps). ps360 has mainly multiplatform games, mostly fps and tps and couple of games from different genres, but still it isn't even comparable with wii suport(except fps and tps). fps/tpf fanbase isn't unlimited and developers are bringing more exclusive core games to wii so it will gather many ps360 owners to nintendo console plus people who have been waiting for a leader. besides wii didn't get a single pricecut yet and still is outselling ps360 with shortages. i'm guessing that wii will gather about 65-70% and ps360 30-35 by the end of this generation.