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I absolutely do not feel like a victim, maybe economically in certain ways, residing in our ass backwards corprotocracy of America - but certainly not racially. God help me if I ever come off that way, as I hate that mentality, and frankly we need far more of a positive, winning mentality in this country, not more rushing to the bottom of victimhood for virtue points. We've definitely got more than enough of that going on around here already.

I'm merely pointing how interesting double standards about what can and cannot be said within major media publications (which strangely seems to be uniform in their language). I really don't care, I find it more amusing if anything. You can ask questions and point out inconsistancies without the hyperbolic notion of claiming "victimhood"


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden