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To answer the topic maker: Well, first they'd have to actually fix the RROD problem. Not just eliminating it in new consoles, which they have yet to do, but also all of the old systems that they keep seeing over and over again. They'd need to be so far past RROD that they could prove it's a thing of the past in a court of law if they needed to.

In addition it'd need to be quiter, cooler, and less power consuming. It would need to come with a hdd standard, wifi standard, and free online. It would need more than two exclusives I care about that aren't stolen out from under the competition or on PC (currently zero), a lessened focus on shooters, and have a Forza 4 that competes with GT5 in every way. That game would have to come with the system, along with another. They'd also need to increase the HDD's size (which they seem to be doing anyway) and make upgrading it much cheaper even though I wouldn't do that anyway. I'd want free HDMI cords with it, and I wouldn't pay more than $200 for the whole package.

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