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I think you either have to drop it or get into the mindset of the controls. The controls are a bit clunky because they are a bit more realistic than the usual game. Most games don't have a button for holding on while climbing, etc. it is all in place to bring you into the rules of the world.
Once you master the mechanics of running around, jumping and climbing, you will have a much better time I think. Because the mechanics are consistent even if the enemy isn't.
It is important to take in every part of the game (music, sound, art, and story) while playing. So even if the world is barren, there is still value in its barrenness.

If anything I think you should look at the bosses as a challenge to take on rather than being frustrated at the controls. If you cannot do that then i am sorry to say but you are missing out on one of the best-designed video games of all time.