Pemalite said:
I have done so in the past.
Yes I do.
There are only so many ways you can skin a cat, especially as AMD is still fumbling around with Graphics Core Next and not an entirely new Architecture.
Yes I do. AMD and nVidia have the associated whitepapers to backup their implementations... And various outlets have ran compression benchmarks.
False. Your understanding of Teraflops is the issue here.
That is your numbers, never once stated the Playstation 3 was 0.2 Teraflops. - Nor did I say that the Playstation 4 had 9x the Teraflops and nor did I state the Playstation 5 will have 9x the Teraflops either.
Take note of the resolution a console with 22.4GB/s-25.6GB/s of bandwidth operates at and the one with 176GB/s operates at.
Teraflops is pretty irrelevant, you can have a GPU with less Teraflops beat a GPU with more Teraflops.
I never made a claim to the contrary. The Playstation 4 and Xbox One provide an experience I would fully expect from a Radeon 7850/7770 class graphics processor, maybe a little better, but not substantially so.
And real-world flops? ;)
Doubt we will be seeing 800GB/s of uncompressed bandwidth, 512GB/s is probably a more balanced and cost-effective target.
I would expect better than Playstation 4 graphics, efficiency has come along way since the GCN 1.0 parts... Navi should take it another step farther... I mean, I am not going out and saying Navi is going to usher in a new era of graphics, far from it... It is still Graphics Core Next with all it's limitations.
The CPU is going to be a massive boon... Hard Drive is probably going to be a bit faster, but we are on the cusp of next-generation mechanical disks, which the consoles might not take advantage of initially... Otherwise caching with NAND is a possibility.
We haven't had a "revolutionary" jump since the start of the 6th gen consoles... It's all been progressive, iterative refinements. But the increases in fidelity when you compare the best looking games of each generation is a substantial one. |
1- You don´t know how many bandwith the PS5 GPU is going to save using tecniques compared to PS4. The only way you can now that by now is if you work for Sony or AMD. You are guessing.
2- My understanding of Teraflops is correct. Teraflops are what you said a tera number of floting point operations, and you are right, are identical. Companies make hardware that is capable of x teraflops theoretical, but practically (because of "the other things" as you said), you can´t reach that theoretical teraflops and you end up with a lower effective number. That´s why I said the Nvidia teraflops that your read on paper can´t be compared to AMDs. An Nvidia card that say 8 teraflops is actually faster in practise than an AMD card with 10 with last implementations. But that´s because how the hardware is implemented and taking advantage of. Is like constructing a highway that is capable of transporting 100 cars per minute passing through in a fixed place, but because of the bumps, trafic lights and so on, it´s never full and ends up transporting 50 cars per minute. A road capable of 70 cars per minute without bumps and trafic lights will be faster. Same with Nvidia and AMD. So I guess it´s pretty much the same you are saying. There are bottlenecks that don´t allow the graphic calculation engine to reach its peak. But we have to compare anyway with something, specially if it is the same company. The comparison will not be scientific, just a number for having an idea and speculate.
3- yes, It were your numbers, you said PS3 had 192 Gflops , and that is (rounding it) 0.2 Teraflops or 0.192 to be exact. And playstation 4 has 1.84 Tf. Sony´s numbers and nobody says the contrary on that. 9x. We are not going 9x from PS4 to PS5.
And Resolution, yes a PS3 has a bandwith of 22,4 for an HD machine compared to a 176 GB/s PS4, Full HD machine, that´s doubling the pixels (1 megapixel to 2. PS5 will cuadruple the pixels to 4k (8.3 Mpix) so It should need even more bandwith difference and it´s not going to have it. Tecniques are going to help but the jump will be smaller.
As how effective is going to be a 10-12 Tf machine, how would I know?, I don´t know how it´s going to be fed. I don´t know about the cache amount, The speed of DDR6 memory, the number of schedulers, The ROPS, Texture units, etc. We have to wait to see Navi architecture at least and see how it compare to olders.
4- Compression or not, the jump will be less this gen. And I said 800 of uncompressed bandwith, calculated arround 512 GB/s compressed bandwith with the new tecniques. So what I meant was arround 512 GB/s but effective as 800 GB/s were at PS4 launch. The jump will be smaller than older jumps.
5- Well yes, as I said many times, the CPU will be much better and evolution in graphics will continue to be progressive. I don´t agree with 6 gen though. I think from PS2 to PS3 the jump was considerable and more impactfull than from PS3 to PS4.