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wfz said:
whatever said:
wfz said:
HappySquirrel, thank you. I'm glad not everyone on this site is buying into the man made global warming conspiracy.

Water Vapor is a million times over more of a greenhouse gas than CO2, maybe it's time we all stop growing crops and using any water for anything. =P

A few years ago people were freaking out over another ice age, and now it's global warming..

Oh well, let those people "save" our planet if they wish to. I'll be sitting back and enjoying my life.


You guys realize that water vapor's effects are part of all the current climate models?

Guess not.


I'm not going to touch this subject anymore because it's been tainted by people who just want to make money and a crapload of "scientists" who will tell you anything you want them to if you show them the good stuff.

I'll just ask this, and it was in HappySquirrel's post (if you even bothered to read it, which I doubt most of you did), do you even believe a 5 day forecast? What makes you  think these scientists are any better at predicting 50 to 100 years from now?


The worst part is that when the temperature of the Earth finally starts cooling down again, people are going to praise it as our amazing effort to stop global warming, when really the entire time the Earth was just running it's course.

Umm, these are completely different.  Predicting the weather for a specific location at a specific time (which vary wildly from day to day) has absolutely zero to do with predicting the rise in the planet's overall temperature (which doesn't vary much at all) and its impact.

This is just a meaningless comparison that attempts to sway people that are uninformed on the subject.