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Hey Mafoo - A few more differences.

When 32bit was developed, 2gb was set asiside for the Operating system - So out of this you have the ram addressed from Video cards etc. So you have a maximum of 2gb - Video ram and a few other things for the operating system and 2gb for the program space.

With 64bit - programs can take as much as they want above 2gb so they are no longer ram limited if you have the capacity available (without using the 2gb reserved for the OS). So 4gb of ram doesn't really show off the improvement but 8gb does.

Also 64bit uses more ram than 32bit - I think aprox 20%? So the differences between 3.2gb and 4gb are a wash when you take that into account. Furthermore 64bit vista kills 16 bit compatibility for security reasons so its more secure but on the other hand you can't run pretty much any game designed in the mid 90's or before.

AFAIK what I wroke is basicly right.
