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IMO offering streaming services will be a nice addition/option for some gamers next gen but that's about all. I just don't think we are ready for a full streaming future and for Microsoft to bet the farm on it seems like a bad move. Sony's more legacy approach seems more inline with what the market can support for the foreseeable future. Being late to the game is bad but so is being to too early.

It's been talked to death but internet infrastructure isn't where it needs to be in most of the world and we have crazy data cap problems in areas it is. Streaming services will have significantly impacted market penetration until this is solved, period!

Aside from the technical/infrastructure problems, x-box doesn't have the brand power, software strength, and market reach to attract enough customers to make streaming financially viable for their partners. The whole thing requires a massive increase in subscribers over the typical console install base or the financial model of streaming doesn't support the needed dollars and cents third party content providers will need to release anything but old games (unless they are making manipulative Gaas microtransaction lootbox BS).

The scale needed to support content creators with a streaming service model is crazy. Microsoft making their service available on all hardware is a start but that does not guarantee customers will bite just because it's available. You hear crazy numbers of billions for the total world wide gamers or Windows users but how many really want this type of game/service? Core console type gamers are very different than people who just want to play Candycrush or solitare or whatever for free. The market they are going after might not even be there, or may already be satisfied by the free to play bite size content they've been playing for years

I just don't see how this ends up working for them.