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John2290 said:
From what I'm seeing this doesn't deserve the 60's and should fall to somewhere around 40-50. There ain't no way I'm touching this and I'm sick of games getting good with 50gigs of patches, No man's sky was the last game I to have that chance to and I refuse to give another game that chance even on a flash sale, I'm not supporting this kind of nonsense.

Honestly I am so tired of these half baked service games at this point, to the point I wouldn't mind seeing games Anthem and Fallout 76 fail so bad, that EA and Bethesda have no choice but to abandon them.

Like it was cool when FFXIV and Battlefield 4 manage to make a fantastic come back after a disaster of a launch, but those were the exception and not the norm, unlike now and with the case of the former, it took remaking the whole game to make it great in the first place.