Mr Puggsly said:
You said, "I am wasting my time playing it." It just felt ironic from the guy with a Yakuza avatar, a huge time sink that's "shallow, boring, forgettable, outdated, and just plain old mediocre." Has it changed much since the original PS2 release? I mean really? Essentially, I'm just seeing some irony from a guy with your avatar. |
The formula has been the same, but they actually have went changed up the mechanics big time like the jump from Kiawmi 1 to Yakuza 6 was pretty big, they made a brand new engine and made some major changes to the combat and it does feel like a current gen game. (admittedly though some changes were for the worse)
Hell even something like Yakuza 5 from Yakuza 0 is pretty different combat wise with each of 0's playable characters having 4 different fighting styles, for each them.
Also I certainly wouldn't call Yakuza forgettable, even some of the weaker games have great moments and do some interesting things.
But honestly, it seems you are trying to derail this thread by trying to call out a franchise I like, just cause I agree with the critics on a game when it comes to its reviews saying its mediocre and not worth playing, but is one you like which is completely fine.